
At all driver education events, long sleeved cotton shirts and pants must be worn for safety reasons.  An extra change of clothing is recommended.

Light weight, smooth-soled footwear with socks is also required. Purpose built driving shoes are not necessary, however, choice of footwear is important.  Shoes should provide good support, have rubber soles, attach securely to your feet and be flexible enough to help you feel the pedals. Sneakers are fine, but avoid the kind with soles extending beyond the sides of the feet, as they can reduce pedal feel and make certain maneuvers difficult. Open shoes will not be allowed.

NEQ Club events are rarely cancelled for inclement weather. In fact, there is often a disparity of opinions on what constitutes “good weather.” Many drivers prefer rain as it limits traction and allows students to better experience adhesion limits at lower speeds.  It also tends highlight the superiority of the Audi Quattro system. Be prepared for inclement weather, but do not bring red or yellow rain suits or umbrellas as they can be mistaken for a flags by drivers on the course.

For winter schools, expect to spend time both in and out of the car.  Select clothing that is wind resistant.  Dress in layers.

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