Lime Rock Park Advanced Solo
October 10

Lime Rock Park Advanced Solo – Friday, October 10
Dates and signups for all events at neq.motorsportreg.com or Join our email list to be notified of events.
About this event
Lime Rock Park
SOLO High Performance Driving School
October 10, 2025
2.5 hours of tracktime!
There is nothing better than an advanced solo day to get some solid track-time to work on your lines. There will be 3x 30 minute sessions and 1 x 60 minute session for each participant at one of our favorite tracks.
The Northeast Chapter of the Audi Club of North America (NEQ) is holding an additional event this year at Lime Rock Park in the beautiful Northwest corner of Connecticut. We have the entire afternoon to ensure that all participants have the maximum amount of seat time! Please join us at LRP for a day of fun and learning on one of New England’s most beautiful road courses!
We are pleased to announce that everyone at this event will have the opportunity for 2.5 hours of track-time. That will make for an incredible Lime Rock Park event, and a great return on your registration cost.
Don’t own an Audi? All makes and models of vehicle that conform to the ACNA Vehicle Requirements are welcome.
Registration Fees
Advanced/Solo Saturday:
- $445 students and instructors
Don’t delay, this event usually sells out quickly
What is a High Performance Driving School?
The purpose of a driving school is quite simple: to improve your driving skills. We conduct the school on a racetrack under the close supervision of experienced and trained instructors. You will learn how to handle and control your vehicle at speeds not normally attained on public roads. This will help to prepare you for emergencies in normal driving. It will also allow you to explore your capabilities as a driver and those of your vehicle in a controlled environment. At no time will you be encouraged to go any faster than is comfortable. All participants will be organized into run groups in accordance with experience, skill, and type of vehicle.
What you learn on the track depends on your driving skill. Beginners are taught driving style (smoothness, consistency, the ability to read the track), more experienced participants continue to work on consistency, while developing new skills such as trail braking and threshold braking. As a beginner, every time you are on the track, you will have an experienced instructor with you in the passenger seat.
For experienced drivers, you can be “signed off” and drive solo when you have proven to your instructor and the Chief Instructor that you understand the basics of high speed driving, you can consistently drive the correct line, and you show proper etiquette on track. Maturity, good judgment, skill, and significant experience will lead to being signed off for solo driving.
Though you are on a racetrack, other drivers of similar driving skills, it is not a race. Passing in corners is not allowed, and you are not expected to shift at redline, or go screaming through each corner with the tires squealing. Safety of the event is of the utmost importance. Driver conduct will be diligently monitored throughout the day by the staff, instructors, and corner workers.
Track Time
You will have 2.5 hours of track time over the course of the day!
There is no classroom for this event. There will be no specific instructor assignments unless requested. All drivers are highly encouraged to make arrangements with instructors for some advice and coaching during the event.
Do I need to own an Audi?
We welcome all makes of cars — you don’t have to drive an Audi to enjoy our events. This school is an excellent way for you to improve your driving skills and have fun too!
All participants must simply be members of the Audi Club of North America (ACNA). There is a $49 fee for annual membership. To join or update your membership, please go to the ACNA website (http://www.audiclubna.org/) and click on “Join ACNA” at the top of the page.
First Time Students
Unfortunately, this event is not opent to first time students or those drivers who have not driven Lime Rock solo.
Here are some hotel suggestions:
Interlaken Inn, Lakeville, CT www.interlakeninn.com (site of the banquet)
The White Hart Inn, Salisbury, CT www.whitehartinn.com
Wake Robin Inn. Lakeville, CT www.wakerobininn.com
A Meadow House B&B, Lakeville, CT www.ameadowhouse.com
Sharon Country Inn Sharon, CT www.SharonCountryInn.com
Dates and signups for all events at neq.motorsportreg.com or Join our email list to be notified of events.